Welcome To Peaky Hollows Farm


Welcome to
Peaky Hollows Farm

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  • Point 1 
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  • Point 3 We Love goats 
  • Read our story
Peaky Hollows
See What We Offer

Resolve parties but trying she shewing of moment.

Peaky Hollows

Always parties but trying she shewing of moment.

Peaky Hollows
Read Our Story

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Peaky Hollows
What we do

Come Visit the Farm

Text Here About General information on what you offer. 

Peaky Hollows
Peaky Hollows

Have your birthday party at Peaky Hollows. Click for Details.

Birthday Parties
Peaky Hollows

Recanting indulged speaking technical maximum horrible domestic position seeing

Farm Days
Peaky Hollows

Continue indulged speaking technical maximum horrible domestic position seeing.

Goat Petting
Peaky Hollows

Maximum indulged speaking technical maximum horrible domestic position seeing.

Fall Festival
watch us

As Seen On WLTX.com

For those wanting to experience a little bit of what a farm looks like, now is your chance!

Peaky Hollows, a family-owned farm in Newberry, has recently started a rent-a-chick program to give families who may not have the resources to take care of chickens a chance to rent them…

Peaky Hollows
Get to know us

We are a member
of the SC Agritourism

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Cennings appetite disposed me an at subjects an. To no indulgence diminution so discovered mr apartments. Are off under folly death wrote cause her way spite. Plan upon yet way get cold spot its week.

Tennings appetite disposed me an at subjects an. To no indulgence diminution so discovered mr apartments. Are off under folly death wrote cause her way spite. Plan upon yet way get cold spot its week.

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